How to use the Tween & Teen Clean Skin Pack


The Clean Skincare Pack is super easy! 

 HOW TO GET THE BEST RESULTS  with this simple 4 step daily treatment.

 How to: 

 Step 1. Clear As Cleanser. Use in the shower or at the basin. Half or 1/4 of a pump is more than enough. That's about the same as a 5 or 10c piece into the palm of damp clean hands and rub together to form a lather. Wash your face in a circular motion avoid the eye area and gently rinse off. Remeember to cleanse your nose area.  TIP: cleanse twice!! Once to remove the dirt and the second to cleanse the skin then pat dry.

Step 2. Trust Me Spritz Toner After cleansing hold the Spritz toner 20cm away from your face and gently spray the mist 2 times.  Remember to close your eyes and mouth. Tip: let your skin dry before adding the moisturiser

Step 3 You Matter Moisturiser. Apply about a half a pea size or less thats about a quarter of a pump onto fingertips and rub together pat onto face and smooth into the skin. Avoid your eye area.  TIP: if your skin feels tight apply a little more moisturiser. 

Step 4. Spot On Spot Treatment. The smallest amount about a quarter of a pump and spread onto problem and breakout  areas. Leave on like a moisturiser and let it do its thing! This might tingle a little and thats ok! 

Finally you can send a question any time and we will get back to you within 24hrs!


Use this kit and do your 4 step routine twice a day to start with  Then you can drop back to once a day. 

Morning and Night is the best time. Consistency is the key to keep your skin clean.

Change your pillowcase regularly. This will prevent bacteria from spreading.

Keep your hair off your skin and wash your hair regularly.

Wash your hat or Cap. Its easy to sweat in your cap and this can cause forehead breakouts. 

 Vitamin supplements:  Blackmores has a Teen Girls and Teen Boys multi supplement or a Vitamin C and Zinc supplement may help. 

Limit concentrated Juices such Orange Juice. Also Milk and Dairy keep to a minimum. Fill up on Fresh fruit and veggies, Wholemeal foods such as breads and pasta, Brown Rice & Oats. Check out my Recipe Pages for more ideas.