Avoiding split ends. Is it possible?

Split ends are the bane of every good hair do – it doesn’t matter whether you have long hair or short, thick or fine, straight or wavy, everyone’s crowning glory has the potential to suffer them.


The bad news is that once you have them, the only thing you can do is cut them off. Because your hair is essentially dead, it can't be healed, and split ends aren't reversible (any haircare product that tells you otherwise is lying to you – don't waste your money!)


On the other hand, there are some ways you can minimise your chances of getting split ends. Read on to discover our foolproof tips to naturally gorgeous, organic hair care.


What are split ends?

First things first. Split ends are a regular part of the ageing of your hair. Because hair grows from the scalp, the ends are the oldest part of your hair – they can be with you for years depending on how often you get your hair cut.


Daily wear and tear on your hair, exposing its cuticle’s inner cortex and et voila! You’ve got split, frayed ends. It’s a normal, if annoying, part of your hair’s life cycle.


What causes split ends to occur faster?

Some of the most common reasons you could be seeing more split ends are:


  • Over-styling. Daily washing, brushing and styling of your hair breaks down the cuticle infinitesimally until it splits under pressure.
  • Chemical damage. If you bleach your hair lighter, it may make it more porous and likely to snap.
  • Using the hottest setting of your blow dryer or straightening/ curling irons is one of the biggest causes of split ends.
  • Some hats, scarves, pillowcases and other materials you place near your hair can make it more likely you’ll develop split ends.
  • The environment. Extreme weather (hot or cold), humidity and rain can take a severe toll on your hair, drying it out and exacerbating the damage.
  • Your health. Smoking, alcohol, lack of hydration and your overall health have an impact on your hair health, potentially leading to split ends.


How to prevent split ends.


  1. Be gentle with your hair. Wash, brush and style it with care to reduce the likelihood of damage.
  2. Use more cooling settings on your haircare tools. It might take you longer to dry and style your hair, but you'll save it from split ends in the long run.  
  3. Hydrate fully. Drinking plenty of water each day will strengthen your hair’s condition and help it withstand damage due to environmental and poor health.
  4. Deep condition your hair with an organic haircare treatment every week or fortnight, depending on its condition.
  5. Try to avoid towel drying. Use a microfibre towel or let your hair dry naturally to reduce friction that can break your hair strands.
  6. Switch to silk. Silk pillowcases can protect your hair while you sleep from snags and friction that cause split ends.
  7. Make sure your hair products are free from toxic chemicals that can damage and weaken your hair over time.